10 May, 2023

The role of family in education

The role of family in education

The family plays an important role in the upbringing of children. From birth, it is the first unit of socialisation with which the child comes into contact and provides the environment and experiences that help them develop the skills and values they need to function in society. What we teach at home and how we encourage our children influence the way they communicate, learn, and relate to others.

If we want happy children, the key is to stimulate the brain's prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for attention, concentration, problem-solving, and impulse control. But how do we do this? From an early age, babies are stimulated with light, sound, and movement, but as they grow up, we need to make sure that they pay attention to stationary objects rather than lights, and that they know how to sit still when circumstances require it, and that they learn to eat as a family without a stimulus such as a tablet or mobile phone.


Capturing children's and teenagers' attention.


Today, we observe that it is more difficult to engage the attention of children and young people in the classroom; they are easily distracted or bored both at school and at home. They need more intense stimuli to keep their attention because they seek immediacy, and when they do not get what they want, anxiety increases in them. If we give in to our children's demands to avoid a tantrum or a bad face, we create children with zero frustration tolerance, when what is needed is to activate creativity and wonder, which are key ingredients for the brain.
The role of family in education-The role of family in education
The role of family in education-The role of family in education

Creation of the right learning environment


Parents are encouraged to spend quality time with their children by playing sports with them, doing puzzles, building with Lego, reading to them, or doing outdoor activities with them.


What children and young people want most from their parents is time; they expect to be listened to and cared for; they need the physical contact of a kiss and a hug; they need to hear “I love you”, “I'm proud of you”. This bond of love produces oxytocin, the hormone that reduces stress and boosts the immune system.


Families that are actively involved in their children's education create a positive environment conducive to learning. Emotionally secure individuals are created by parents who are interested in their children's activities and who are actively involved in their education. The aim is not to avoid difficulties for them or to resolve conflicts they may have with their peers, but to teach them how to resolve them in a clever way.
The importance of home education.

Although what is taught at school is very important, it is the socialisation and values that a child receives from his or her family that shape their character and behaviour and lay a solid foundation for a successful future.
The role of family in education-The role of family in education

In conclusion, the education a child receives from his or her family has a significant impact on later life outcomes.

Gina Higashi Geronazzo